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About Us

Business solutions – Kompass Egypt / BSC is the leader in database information for all companies and all commercial business national and international and representative of Kompass international in Egypt.

We supply information that is the essence for various marketing such as sales, marketing, purchasing, importing, exporting and researches … etc. by using a unique classification system that mount to more than 57000 classifications for products and services with a coverage of 70 countries worldwide with 27 different languages for over than 4 million international companies within 52000 in Egypt.

Furthermore, we provide professional services that links buyers and sellers (purchases and retailers) all over the world. In addition to marketing and promoting activities that we provide here in Egypt (business matchmaking services) since established in Egypt 25 years ago.

Supporting your business development

Data Access

Find new sales leads using our global B2B search platforms or by connecting your CRM directly.

Identify and contact your targets autonomously
Assess the financial risk of your prospects
Connect your CRM to a “ referral" database
Create and target your emailing campaigns

DATA SERVICES Save costs on your sales & marketing campaigns

We can analyse and update your existing customer database. Our locally based experts can also help with providing new & additional content.

Save costs on your sales & marketing campaigns
Enjoy the benefits of timesaving database updates
Clean company data by removing those companies


Using ByPath, sales and marketing teams can save valuable time on research, connect with more prospects and gain more influence with business decision makers.

business intelligence to support your sales cycle
prospects outside of your network
build a more focused social selling strategy

Our statistics